Swedish Study - Stress Increases Risk of C - Section Deliveries


The number of C - Section deliveries has been increasing rapidly over the past few decades not just in Sweden but in the United States as well. Women who are stressed or worry excessively, suffer from insomnia and sleep disturbances are at a higher risk for having to have a C - Section.

Swedish Study

Pregnant woman who have mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression are a major contributor that set this study into motion. "Our studies show that the risk of having an emergency C section increases significantly for first-time mothers if the woman has mentioned that she is worried or stressed or has trouble sleeping," says Anne-Marie Wangel, who was in charge of the study. Wangel feels that if preventive measures were taken as soon as a mental illness was identified that the amount of C-Sections would decline greatly because the midwifes or doctors could recommended therapy to ease the stress and anxiety about becoming a mom for the first time. In addition, the women could have a support team and an educator to help her understand the process of childbirth and even what to expect after delivery and once she has taken her baby home.


The world is full of pregnant women most of which do develop some form of stress during their pregnancy whether it is related to the pregnancy, the future or their job. First time moms are more likely to have a c-section than a natural delivery due to the fear and being unprepared. This can be avoid with education and support for the pregnant woman.


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