Safe Sex Without A Condom


Is there such a thing as safe sex without a condom? That depends on what you are trying to protect yourself from.

If you are in a monogamous relationship, are 100% certain that you and your partner are not infected with HIV or an STD but you wish to avoid pregnancy then it is possible to have safe sex without a condom. To have sex safe without a condom to avoid pregnancy you must be sure when ovulation is taking place so you can avoid penile vaginal intercourse during that time. When a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, calculating when her fertile time can be easier than if her menstrual cycle is irregular. Women with regular menstrual cycles usually ovulate between days 14-19 of their menstrual cycle with day 1 being the first day of her period. This 5 day time frame is the riskiest time of the month for pregnancy to occur. If you do not desire pregnancy and do not want to use condoms or other methods of contraception, penile vaginal intercourse should be avoided during this time. If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle it can be difficult to determine when her fertile time is so going without a condom may not be the best solution to avoid pregnancy. It is important to remember that this is not an exact science and anytime you have sex without contraception you are risking pregnancy.

When considering HIV or STD transmission, being on the receptive end of penetrative sex with a person who has HIV or an STD is the riskiest sexual behavior there is. Being the penetrative partner also carries a risk.

In the case of HIV and STD the only way to practice safe sex without a condom is to:
• Know your HIV and STD status and be sure you are not infected.
• Know your partner’s HIV and STD status and be sure they are not infected.
• Have sex with one person only who is only having sex with you-in other words practice monogamy with someone you know is not infected.

If there is any doubt about monogamy in your relationship, and if you and your partner has not been tested or if you choose to have multiple partners, then using condoms consistently and correctly is the best way to protect yourself against infection.

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