Can I be pregnant even if I still have a period?
Sometimes women continue to have spotting on the day their period would have been due, even though they are already pregnant. A few rare women continue to have
periods throughout their pregnancies, especially if this tendency runs in the family. If are still having pregnancy symptoms, get a pregnancy test to be sure.
[More about menstrual irregularities.]
Can I get pregnant if we had sex but he didn't ejaculate?
It is unlikely that a single incident like this would result in pregnancy.
However if you keep taking chances the odds are that sooner or later you will get pregnant,
as you are using a method of birth control known as "withdrawal."
Using withdrawal as birth control can also spread STDs.
[More about withdrawal.]
Can I get pregnant if we didn't really have sex?
Some couples think they are practicing abstinence, while participating in
variety of sexual activities. Oral sex, anal sex, mutual masturbation, and other
similar activities do not qualify as abstinence. If you are involved in these
practices, you are fooling yourself if you think you are not having sex.
Any activity where semen may contact the genitals (such as anal sex) can still result in pregnancy, and even oral sex can result in sexually transmitted disease.
[If I have to spell it out....]
Can I get birth control without my parents knowing?
Whether or not you can get birth control pills without your parents knowing depends
on the laws in your state.
However, keep in mind that your parents are responsible for you and the consequences of your behaviors. You
should talk to them first about your decision to become sexually active and use birth
control pills. If you get pregnant or get a fatal STD, like HIV/AIDS, then your parents will be involved
whether you like it or not. They might even be left footing the bill for your medical
care, abortion, baby, and/or funeral. Considering that they are supporting you, you owe it to them to discuss your choice to be sexually active and
take prescription drugs. They may not agree, but they should know. If you are not
mature enough to discuss this important and potentially life-changing activity with the
people who love and care for you, then chances are that you are not ready for a sexual relationship and should consider abstinence.
[More about minor access to contraceptive services.]
Can I get pregnant if I never missed any of my birth control pills?
Sometimes women get pregnant while taking the Pill even if they take every single
one on schedule. No method is 100% effective -- one in ten
women using the pill get pregnant every year.
[More about oral contraceptives.]
When am I most likely to get pregnant?
Conception is most likely to occur if you have intercourse near the time of ovulation.
For women with regular cycles, ovulation occurs about fourteen days before the onset of
menstruation. But it is possible to ovulate anywhere from twelve to eighteen days before
menstruation, depending on the woman.
Sperm can survive for several days inside of a woman. Although most sperm die within
three days, they have been known to survive for as long as a week under certain
conditions. Once released, an egg is viable for twenty-four hours. The fertile period is from
several days before, to one day after, ovulation. However,
your fertile period may not occur at the same time each month.
[Fertility chart.]
What are common pregnancy symptoms?
Common pregnancy symptoms include nausea, sore or tender breasts, feeling bloated,
changes in appetite, weight gain, fatigue, a need for extra sleep, frequent urination,
odd sensations in the abdomen, and of course, lack of periods.
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